Friday, October 28, 2011

Rummage/Bake Sale Saturday!

The Aberdeen, SD, UMW will hold a Rummage and Bake Sale tomorrow (Saturday, Oct. 28) from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.). We'll be raffling off a quilt and offering a free room. Just about all clothes will be free,  as well as a few other items.

A whole table of fabric awaits, as well as glassware, kitchenware, car care items. toys, games, hardware, tools, bedding, linens, books and videos.

Plus, the ladies have been baking. Pies, cookies,  pastries, breads and bars await!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Rummage Sale plans

Margaret Rieger expects that by next week, tables should be ready to receive items for the rummage sale. It helps if they are priced first. For the bake sale, we also should price our own goods. Place a label or slip of paper under the plastic wrap stating what the item is, e.g. 6 caramel-candy corn brownies, and the price.

The bread metaphor continued in the meeting today. Members took turns reading portions of the lesson and scripture. Beverly McComsey gave a mission moment on a school in Sierra Leone that UMW has kept going since the late 1800s, a school for girls. When girls are educated, the entire culture is helped.

Bertha Brenner gave the devotional about sunsets and gratitude.

The next meeting will be at Bertha's house. Saturday, a birthday party will be at Health and Rehab after the Gyspy Day parade, at 2 p.m.