Sunday, September 25, 2011

Meeting Saturday

Aberdeen Faith UMW meets Saturday, Oct. 1, at the home of Ruth Eberhart. The program is given by Donna Knutson. Please call Marilyn Rieger 605-725-9246 or Donna Seaton 605-225-3192 for details or directions.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Rummage and Bake Sale

Aberdeen Faith UMW will hold a rummage and bake sale Saturday, Oct. 29, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the church. For now, we need people to bring non-clothing rummage, pre-priced (preferably with masking tape, which sticks better than the round stickers).

You can bring your items to the church dining hall where it will be arranged on tables. We will feature a "free" room with clothing items.  Because we have so many clothing items left over from the last sale, we aren't asking for addition clothes, just non-clothing rummage articles.

There will also be -- during the final two hours of the sale, a bag sale.

Mark your calendars!

What are we looking for? We can use furniture, appliances, collectibles, household items, kitchenware, linens, tools, CDs, Christmas and holiday items, costumes or fabric and sewing items, travel items, accessories, musical instruments, artwork and anything else you think might sell well.

Because the church kitchen floor is still under construction, we will not be doing any hot dish cooking, but we will bring baked goods to sell.

For more information, contact Margaret Rieger 725-9346 or Donna Seaton 225-3192.

New Faith United Methodist Women blog

Today, Faith UMW introduces its new blog page. We hope to use the page to provide outreach to the community, to give out information about current happenings and to make our group accessible to the public. Feel free to comment on any posts or to suggest topics. Yay, technology!